There are a few phrases that a minor league baseball player learns to love during his career; day off, All-star break, rain out, and off-season. It's not that we don't like playing, but with only two days off a month for six months...let's be honest. So the six months that we aren't playing we basically live a life polar opposite to the one in season. You are home, with friends and family, and back to a somewhat normal routine again. The one thing always on your mind is that in a few months you are going back to the grind so you better enjoy your time off. I would say that I have soaked it dry during the last few months. I went on a WWII tour of Europe with the 'Band of Brothers' group, have been in every major city in Texas seeing friends, been hunting, camping, and have gotten involved in the city of Houston through my church and other various avenues. The most important part of the off-season as far as baseball goes is preparing for the following season. It is completely your responsibility and thus only the mirror can be your judge. I have found that it can only be done with other guys doing it with you; trying to muscle through it alone is close to or near impossible. With weights, running, hitting, throwing, etc., come early March you better be ready. As the season nears, mentally you begin to prepare yourself and also begin the necessary preparations of leaving for 6 months. One of the hardest parts is leaving the people behind that you just spent the past few months getting to know or rekindling the friendship that the time spent away had waned. Regardless of the grind that the minor league life can be, come spring time there is an itch, an almost longing to return to that very life; around the field, the game, and the fellas. It's almost here...